This is a day of much rejoicing!
Katrina Glenn, pictured here with Brian Gruhn, is now officially on staff and on site. Our brand new Youth and Young Adult Coordinator has begun her work here - and boy, howdy has she stepped into it. No time to waste as Camp season begins in just a few short weeks. We owe a big, BIG debt of gratitude to Brian, who kept out youth and camping ministries running during the Interim time. He will serve now as Katrina's Assistant for the camping season before he leaves in the Fall for Andover Newton.
Katrina - we welcome you, and with you all our hopes for a new, vibrant Youth and Outdoor Ministry here in the Southwest Conference.
And while we are saying hello to Katrina - the work and mission of the Conference moves forward.
Here we see Ray Gentry and Pete Norum,
and here Tina Squire and Kristy Jewell-Roth,
working hard under the watchful eye of this guy:
These are the members of our Church Growth and Development Committee. After the series of listening visits that happened throughout the Conference over the last two weeks, they met to process all that we heard. Watch for the next edition of In the Loop for their report on those visits.
That's all for now!