Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A New Call...

I met with the Rev. Liana Rowe in my office today.

She has just taken a new, vital, and very interesting position. She has been hired by the Friends Committee on National Legislation. She's a lobbyist - er, excuse me, legislative educator. We might better know the Friends as the Quakers - proponents of peace and justice from a long way back. They are very committed to the passage of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty next spring, and Liana's job is to mobilize the faith commmunity to help our elected officials understand how important this is to us.

We are proud of Liana, and stand ready to help her as she undertakes this noble task.

May it please God to bless her every step of the way. And come next May, let us all plan on celebrating with her the our Senate's ratification of this very important Treaty.

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