Monday, February 8, 2010

CCoV Retreat, Congregacianal Unida

I spent Friday evening helping lead a retreat for the members of Congregational Church of the Valley. Here are pictures of their Interim Minister, Phil Reller and another treasured colleague, Steve Wayles. Steve is the pastor at First Congregational UCC in Phoenix, and was there to talk about his experience revitalizing the ministry at First Church. It was a very good evening.

The following pictures are from my time in Albuquerque, specifically with Congregacional Unida. It was a delightful morning. I appreciated their laughter when, before my sermon, I told them "Mi espanol es no bueno." I enjoyed the richness of their worship, and the joy with which they shared their meal after our worship. And try as they might, they could not get their Pastor, Daniel Erdman, to eat one of the very hot habaneros that were offered - even after telling him it would help him grow hair. He is pictured here with some of his members, including Christopher Montano, who served on the Search Committee that called me here to the Southwest.

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