Monday, February 21, 2011


Ok, so here I am in Long Beach, CA. I'm here for the week with my colleagues in Conference Ministry, leaders from the National setting, Conference Attorneys, seminary presidents and a few assorted others.

I attend the Installation of my good friend and brother in ministry, Felix Villanueva. He's being installed as the Conference Minister of the Southern California Nevada Conference.

I dress up. Really dress up. French cuff shirt with some killer cuff links Mimi found for me at the local antique store; nice tie (which I had to retie about 8 times before Kent Siladi said it could actually be worn in public); nice wingtip shoes; the Citizen's watch Mimi bought me a couple years back; a beautiful turquoise ring Mimi got me last Christmas from the Herd Museum; nice gray pin-stripe suit.

All of a sudden, I can't walk ten feet without one of my colleagues pulling out a camera, stopping me, and saying "You own a suit!" I have to take a picture - no one is going to believe this!"

Well, believe it. Here's the proof.

Like they say: He cleans up nicely - at least once a year.

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