I certainly don't mean to suggest that the wheels of church bureaucracy move slowly, but when I arrived back in June there was talk in the minutes of the Board of forming a Financial Task Force.
We helped to clarify the mission and direction of such a Task Force, renamed it the Financial Development Task Force, and began finding just the right people to serve on it.
They met this afternoon for the first time. They are pictured above: Bruce Fisher from Oro Valley, and with him his pastor Jim Briney; Brent Smith, our SWC Treasurer (soon to be our ex-Treasurer - we cry over this, he rejoices); Nancy Splain from Church of the Good Shepherd; Holly Herman, our Office Manager; and Joanne Vredenberg from Desert Heritage.
This is a good group. We focused on our mission, our task: developing strategies for funding the Mission of the Southwest Conference.
And we diverged a bit from the task to, as Nancy put it, build relationship.
I look forward to working closely with these chosen leaders, and to shaping a comprehensive fund development strategy that will ensure that the Mission we feel called to share is not compromised by our inability to fund that mission.
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