There is so much happening, I don't even know where to start.
I start with a picture of the room I spent the day in yesterday, locked up with my colleagues in Conference Ministry talking about all kinds of important stuff (yeah, just take my word for it. I won't bore you with the details). This really is a group of very good leaders - and sometimes we work really well together, and sometimes we don't behave well. But we love the mission of the United Church of Christ, we love each other, we love our churches and our clergy, and we love what we do.
This is Alissa Marquis, our Moderator, driving us to a day of pre-Synod meetins - me with the Conference Ministers and her with Conference Moderators.
Here is Edith Guffey, Associate General Minister of the United Church of Christ talking with a good friend of and frequent visitor to the Southwest Conference, Hans Holznagel.
And here are three good friends - Mike Piazza, Vivian Santiago-Ricci, and Cameron Trimble. Cameron spoke at our Annual Meeting this year - as I know many of you remember well.
That's my report for now - lots more to come!
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