Here I am, probably having made some critical insight, with my Judicatory colleagues at the Cannosian Sisters Retreat Center in Albuquerque.
This really was a good and meaningful event, at which we talked very seriously about the need for Ecumenical Partners to engage in far more serious dialogue with each other, including those things for which we have the most divisive points of view. And yes, we talked about issues regarding human sexuality - the topic that in this day and time is the most divisive within the household of Chrisianity - and we did it with love and respect.
Here is the front gate of Raul's church in Jaurez.
Raul is doing a great job in a very tough environment, and in this season of Advent let us remember to lift him up in prayer. Here he is pictured with a dear colleague, the Rev. Daniel Celis from the Congregational Christian church in Mazatlan. The Rev. Celis has provided good counsel and companionship on Raul's journey.
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