Friday, June 27, 2008

Meet the Family

In the Spirit of “Getting to Know You” commensurate with a newbie like yours truly, I take the opportunity to introduce you to my family. Each of them is unique. And while I will be careful what I say about our children, I don’t have to worry about what I say about my beloved, Mimi (she doesn’t do this whole computer thing).

So, starting with Mimi, here we go.

It was just last week that Mimi and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. What can I say – I got lucky. She attacked one night on a parking lot outside my brother’s apartment, and we haven’t left each other’s side since. (She tells a different story – but this is my blog and she won’t figure out how to change it – so I’m safe.)

John Jacob is our oldest child.

He turned 23 last week. He is a jazz composer, band teacher, and trumpet enthusiast (though he plays many other instruments). He graduated from Elmhurst three weeks ago, Summa Cum Laude I will have you know. His own beloved is a young woman named Kelly.

Adam is next.

Smart guy, this one. Loves baseball, like his old man. Studying Environmental Sciences at Mizzou in Columbia, MO. He’s an artist, and does some amazing work. He will turn 22 in July. Here he is with his buddy Rei, whose living with Mimi and me until he can find an apartment that lets him keep pets.

And then there’s Molly – the girl with the ‘tude. Toughest person I’ve ever met. Beat up the class bully in Kindergarden when she caught him picking on someone smaller than he. She loves to sing, and has a beautiful voice. She’s got a new buddy – a King Charles Cavalier pup who just adores her (yeah, I had never heard of one either).

Well, that’s the family. I love ‘em all, and am damn proud of each for very different reasons. I may bore you periodically with stories about them


W. Mark Clark said...

What is a Mizzou?

John C said...

Are you kidding me? Mizzou is how we in state refer to the University of Missouri. I thought a cood cop like Serpico would have known that.

W. Mark Clark said...

You are not in that place anymore. Sorry

jcdorhauer said...

Yeah, but I knew what a Sun Devil was before I moved out here.