Monday, June 8, 2009

A full weekend...

I start with the event my heart wanted me to be at, but which I could not attend. This is Sydney Nomberg, a daughter of a dear family friend Bernard Nomberg. He was our attorney, and guided us through a very difficult time in our lives and since then we are like brothers. Sid went through her Bat Mitzvah this weekend. I was asked to come and deliver a prayer during the service at Temple, but could not be there because I had to teach a class. I want you all to see her, and know how proud I am of her.

And now the class: L.I.F.E. is the Lay Institute of Faith Exploration. It means what it says -LAY: no clergy allowed. It brings in Biblical Scholars, Theologians, and church leaders of some repute (present company excepted, of course) to teach the foundations of our faith at a much deeper level than our Sunday School classes ever could. Those who attend are highly motivated to deepen their understandings of the faith, and to enrich their experiences as key leaders in the Church.
This is my class:

And this is Judy Green-Davis, who came along with me to find out how they do what they do so that we can do it here. Give us time, but we will have a lay academy up and running here in the Southwest Conference soon (not like next week or next month soon, but soon).

And the weekend was capped off with a celebration of Desert Palm UCC in Tempe's 30th anniversary celebration. What an enlivening, engaging, spirit-filled group of people this is! Don and Lois Arey were there - the founding pastors. There was laughter and joy and cake and a choir that was as good as they come. I had a ball!

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