Thursday, August 14, 2008

CoCAM welcomes two new ministers

Among the various and sundry tasks performed on your behalf by the Committee on Church and Ministry today, two women were granted Licenses for Ministry.

Kristen Barner, who has been called as the Associate Pastor at Shepherd of the Hills in Phoenix, met with CoCAM and was granted her License to serve in that church. She is a graduate of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She is coming to us from the Presbyterian church, and will continue to work and meet with the Committee as she proceeds toward ordination. The Committee also voted to receive her as an In-care student. I must say, it was delightful to meet her, and her authorization was given with much enthusiasm and joy. She will be a gift to the Shepherd of the Hills church.

Jessie Sustaita drove all the way in from El Paso with two members of La Trinidad Congregational UCC to meet with the Committee. She tells a powerful story of their church's commitment to survival, mission, and ministry over 118 years. She has been associated with the church since 1979, and joined as a member in 1982. A little over a year ago, she felt called to provide leadership to the congregation, and today came requesting Licensure for her ministry. Her story, her passion for her people, her clear call to present a ministry where all are welcome, and her desire to be a part of a church that seeks to make all one in Christ came as a blessing to us. We were proud to extend to her and to the members of La Trinidad not only the hand of Christian love and fellowship, but a License to serve as their pastor. It will come as a great and profound joy to me to be present with them in November both to present her with her License and to celebrate their 118th anniversary.

And so, we are a better people today because these two very different, yet very gifted women have been called and authorized to serve in ministry along side us. We pray God's blessings upon them both, and upon us, as we now covenant with them to walk this journey together in partnership and in love.

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