Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Well, after a nice Holiday break, I am back in the swing of things. Sunday morning I had the privelege of sharing with the members and friends at United Church of Sun Lakes. Rev. Dr. Tom Garrison and I had the opportunity to share a meal together at a nice restaurant - between services! I've never had that experience before. But their first service being at 8:15 and their second at 11:30, we had plenty of time to sit at table and share meal and conversation. I enjoyed that very much.

Yesterday, I drove up the highway and spent the morning with the Search Committee at Faith United Church of Christ in Dewey AZ. They are being served for now the outstanding Interim leadership of Rev. Ed Mendenhall.

And from there, I drove a little further up the highway and spent the afternoon with the Council at First Congregational UCC in Prescott. They have been without a pastor since early November, and we were able to talk about their future and what that might look like. It was an important discussion, and I very much enjoyed my time with all of them.

Now, its just back in the office for a few days catching up on whatever has piled up over the little break I took.

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