Thursday, January 1, 2009

Well, while sitting on the couch watching about 12 hours of football on this New Year's day, I will take time to reflect on what I hope will be a great year for us in the Southwest Conference.

Here is my top ten list of things I will be looking forward to in the coming year:

10a. Conference Minister Gathering in Pacific Northwest
April 14 - 16
An event where Denominational leadership will strategize about how to revitalize Small Membership/Large Geography Conferences - this is important

10b. Polity Class
April 3-4, May 1-2
I know, this doesn't sound that exciting. But, its an opportunity to talk about what I love about this denomination - from its beginnings to its future. Plus, I get to spend some quality time with those who will soon be leaders in this denomination. What's not to like?

9. Visiting
I have been to almost all of our churches now, and will have been to all of them by the time of the Annual Meeting. But once is not enough - this will always be a highlight of my ministry. Look for me at your church.

8. Border Trip
March 9-12
I will spend four days across the Border with denominational leaders. This will be my first such trip, and I am really looking forward to this.

7. Youth Work
I just don't get to do this enough. I had hoped to spend a full week at camp with our Senior High Youth, but we had to schedule this while it overlaps with General Synod. I love working with our youth, and will find more ways to do that in the coming year.

6. Justice and Witness Summit
Feb. 9th and 10th
Because the work of justice is central to all we do, and because we have to get this piece right. All clergy and representatives from every church in the Conference are encouraged to attend and help us develop a Conference -wide strategy for this crucial ministry.

5. Leadership Events
The first of these will take place Jan. 17th in Phoenix, then Feb. 28th in Tucson, and March 28th in Albuquerque: a full day of workshops to empower strong and vital lay leadership with key National and Conference leaders teaching a variety of skills. All churches should send someone.

4. Clergy Retreat
October 25-28 at Ghost Ranch in New Mecixo
Last year's retreat was special for me. I got to spend quality time with the key leaders of this Conference - our outstanding clergy. This will be a highlight of my year every year I am with you, and what we do here is crucial for maintaining the life, the spirit, and the purpose of the ministry we undertake.

3. Annual Meeting
April 24-26
This is another very important moment - my first as your Conference Minister. A lot will be at stake as I look to build a sense of purpose, vision, and mission for the coming years. Each year will serve as a building block in a long range strategy to renew our commitment to the mission we are called to undertake, and no where do we get a better chance to establish our commitment to this ministry than when we gather for Annual Meeting. Make your plans to attend.

2. General Synod
June 24 - July 1
It is here you really get a sense of who we are in the United Church of Christ. I love these events. This year, we will be voting on restructuring the denomination, a new General Minister and President, and many other important items. Seeing old friends from across the denomination makes this feel like homecoming of sorts. Can't wait!

1. Installation
Feb. 7
I hope to see many of you at First Congregational in Albuquerque. Of all the things I have to look forward to this year, this tops the list. We are family. We are in this together. And this is the ceremony that makes it official.

Happy New Year, and let's give God thanks for all this this New Year will bring.

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