Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In Cleveland

I'm hanging out in Cleveland for the better part of the week. After almost two years in Conference Ministry, I am finally sitting at a table serving on my first National Committee.

With me are some of my colleagues in Conference Ministry, including my good friend Kent Siladi (from Florida):

and also our General Minister and President, Geoffrey Black:

I was sent this picture a while ago, and knew I would post it sometime. I haven't done that, and now seems like as good a time as any. This is Don Nordlund, a lay member at our Scottsdale Congregational church, and he's hanging out with the Rev. Tina Campbell - a Chaplain at one of the Scottsdale Hospitals. They are two delightful people. Sue, the third member of the group. spent a day last week answering phones for us in the Conference Office - and for that we are grateful. These are three pretty remarkable people.

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