Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Los Alamos

A quick flight and a short drive, and there I was in some of the most spectacular country anywhere: Los Alamos.

And what an interesting history - for both the town and the church.

The church was begun as a faith center for the military, who used Los Alamos for much of the research that was done on the Manhattan project. Ever see a church with spacemen and spaceships in their stained-glass windows? Well, now I have.

It was a church that served Protestants, Catholics, and Jews. Eventually the Catholic church and the Jewish synagogue would build their own centers of worship, but the church remained aligned with, federated with, in union with a variety of denominational flavors.

Their membership is strong and vital, and they are in the process of revisioning their future, their mission, and their purpose. What an exciting time this will be for them. I met with their pastor, Don Childers, and a core of leaders just to talk about their future ministry and what shape it might take.

Later, Don and one of his pastoral team, Keith Lewis, would visit with me into the early afternoon before I would take the short drive and quick flight back home.

All in all, a very good day. And I discovered my new favorite radio station: KTAO out of Taos (I am listening to it online as I write this).

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