Monday, November 3, 2008

From a Rock to a 'stone

Well, the day started at Shadow Rock in North Phoenix. It was covenant Sunday and I was present as they celebrated their 35th Anniversary and looked forward to their 36th year of ministry in the Southwest Conference.

Having heard about the beauty of their sanctuary, I experienced it for the first time. The discerning eye could pick out my house from the first pew, looking west.

In between services, I tasted the celebratory carrot cake (very good), and visited with members from both services. The enthusiasm in the worship was infectious, and children came crawling out of the woodwork to participate in the choir anthem.

I hustled from their celebration down to Tombstone - a town rich with history and legend. I do regret that my first trip there had to be such a short one - but I do plan to return soon.

The occasion was the Installation of their newly called Pastor, Tina Squire. The sanctuary was full, and adorned with red: hats, dresses, stoles, shoes, ribbons, purses, pins - you name it. The president of the church read from one of the town founders diaries, a George Parsons, and dressed as if he himself could have been in town in 1861 when those words were written. I felt right at home in my cowboy boots and Levis.

All agreed to leave their holsters and pistols at the door, and so we proceeded without rancor through the Installation. There was laughter, music, and great joy felt by all both in the sanctuary on historic Allen Street, and around the dinner tables afterward in the fellowship hall. My favorite line of the day? The President Patrick Greene, upon finishing the call to worship, announced: "Would you please stand and sing Come Holy Spirit if you are able?" (Did I mention there was laughter?)

It was a long drive there and back, but well worth the time and effort. I can't wait to go back - and when I do next time, I will take in more fully all that this beautiful place has to offer.

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