Saturday, August 7, 2010

More wedding pics

It was two weeks ago today. I can't believe how the time flies - and I promised a few more pics from my son's wedding. Let me get to that, because there will be some new Conference news to post soon enough and this will have been forgotten about.

I am still sort of basking in the glow of what was in incredible family event for the Dorhauer clan. Once again, I will let the pictures tell the story.

This is I with my Godson Chris, whose wedding I did just a month ago in June.

This picture reminds me - about the knot on my head. Many of you have asked me about this. I was carrying two of my nephews on my back on some wet grass (there was a lot of rain) the night before the wedding. Between the wet grass, and one of the nephews sticking his leg between mine, I went down. I fell so that they would not get hurt - and that meant I got hurt. Looks worse than it was. If you're going to go after a Dorhauer, don't hit them in the head: hard as rocks up there. 'Nuff said.

This is my brother Jimbo - more bark in him than bite.

Here we are, grandparents, bride and groom, with the Dorhauer family.

And here is the wedding party - good friends, good people, good memories.

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