Saturday, July 5, 2008


You met my family a few days ago, but not the family I grew up with. I want to slowly introduce you to them. There were seven children in our house growing up - six of them boys. The consensus among us (as if there is any real question about that) is that the most difficult of us to raise was Jimbo.

Jimbo is one of those hail fellows well-met. He knows no strangers, and treats everyone as if he's known them his entire life. There's nothing subtle about him. His mischevious ways have never really disappeared. My mother's only solace - having endured his childhood (through his first seven years of gradeschool, every single one of his teachers either quit or retired after just one year with him and his classmates) - is that he has a daughter just like him.

He loves golf. Here we are in Hilton Head last year on a golf outing with a few of the brothers.He'd be upset if I didn't mention that he birdied the 15th at Harbor Town, the PGA tour's 2nd most difficult par 5 - so there, I mentioned it.

He loves Cardinal Baseball. Here we are on the day St. Louis played their first game at the new Busch Stadium. I stood by his side outside Busch and watched the tears roll down his face as, at the end of that 2006 season, our beloved Cards would defeat the Tigers and end the year World Series Champions.

And he loves our Missouri Tigers: with a passion.

He has two daughters, Sammy and Tori - and a wife, Vicki, who will be revered as a Saint when it becomes known what she has had to live with all these years.

I'll introduce the others to you over time, but I start with Jimbo - the fifth of the seven Dorhauer children.

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