Monday, July 28, 2008

Scottsdale Congregational UCC

I found myself at Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ this Sunday, and enjoyed it very much.

My week with them actually began on Wednesday, when I met with the worship planning team to put together the second service. Its called the Studio, and is built around the concepts and themes of the Emerging Church model. Just spending that time with a group of creative, energetic, and imaginative people was a rich experience.

There were two services on Sunday, both of which were moving in their own right, and in their own way. One of the things that the Scottsdale church obviously takes very seriously is their music program. The accompanist in the first service was as talented as I have heard anywhere; and the Jazz ensemble that led worship in the Studio service excelled. Sandy Chapman, the vocalist, even wrote a stunning piece of music she debuted in the service after hearing on Wednesday what the theme would be. I was very moved by her creative abilities.

Pictured here are Hannah and Shirley. They enacted a dramatic dialogue between Satan and Jesus that I wrote based on the temptation of Jesus following his baptism.

I will be back with the Scottsdale church this Monday evening to meet with their Interim Transition Committee as they seek to make plans for the church following the departure of Pastor Eric Elnes. Rev. Katherine Harts continues to provide outstanding leadership at the church, and was lifted up in prayer Sunday morning. Katherine presided at her mother's memorial service on Friday and was unable to be with Sunday. We will all be lifting her up in prayer in the coming days.

So, I offer a heartfelt thanks to all my new friends in Scottsdale - and especially to Donna and Ray Gentry and family who treated Mimi and me to lunch afterward the services. I came home exhausted, but uplifted after such a stirring morning.

1 comment:

Crawford's said...

It was a joy to have you with us last Sunday, you fit our church like an old glove. Thanks for your help at the meeting Monday evening--it appears you may be able to keep us neophytes from reinventing the wheel. We all look forward to future contact. Faith Crawford