Tuesday, February 17, 2009

While in Cleveland....

One of my favorite places, space where I have always felt the power of the Holy Spirit move, is the Amistad Chapel located on the ground floor of our National Offices in Cleveland.

That's where I am this week, and as a part of our time together as Conference Ministers we are taking part in Sacred Conversations on Race. We worship daily in the chapel, and one of our featured preachers will be Otis Moss III - the pastor of our largest UCC congregation, Trinity UCC in Chicago.

I am enduring 12 hour meetings a day here through next Saturday - hard work, to be sure, and good work. But our time in the chapel is deep and meaningful.

I hope many of you get a chance to visit our National Offices and officers. And when you do, you will not regret the time you take to while away some quiet moments in the Amistad Chapel.

1 comment:

W. Mark Clark said...

Ask Otis about his standing in the ILL conference, like when is he going to get it.agrating