Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Having Way Too Much Fun!!!

Well, let's let the weekend play out in a series of pictures.

Let's start with the most fun of all (who am I kidding):

Justice and Witness Committee. Here they are in all their glory. That's Phil Reller from Rincon at the head of the table, leading this group of miscreants. If we go around the table clockwise, we see Sandi Britton, Fletch Wideman (whose visage was mercifully unable to fit into the frame - apologies Fletch), Liana Rowe, Lee Clegg, and Diane Smith. We worked hard while together, rejuvenated our call to purpose and our passion for this ministry, and came up with at least one good idea - you'll be hearing more about it. We are looking for a Justice and Witness Summit in Feb., in Tucson, and to which we are hoping every church will send a representative, and to which all clergy will be invited. We need you to teach us how we can best serve you, and partner with you in the very important work of Justice!

From there I spent the evening with a group of malcontents from Shepherd of the Hills, whose two pastors (Steve Davis and Kristen Barner) seemed to be unable to maintain any semblance of control. Though it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, the home team lost in overtime (not my home team, by the way. I was decked out in my Mizzou Tiger paraphernalia and cheered when the scoreboard revealed that they won 69 - 17 - now ranked 5th in the nation).

But the best was yet to come. Here are some pics from a delightful celebration at South Mountain church, an affiliated UCC and UMC church in South Phoenix led by Rev. Rich and Rev. DOCTOR Barb Doerrer-Peacock. Here she is with her parents, and below with my wife Mimi. We celebrated the conferral of her Doctor of Ministry degree. Good worship (you simply MUST ask Barb about the bulletin for the day - absolutely ingenious!), great music, outstanding preaching, a belly full of food, halls filled with laughter (alas, poor Rich was the butt of many jokes - he shouldn't have invited his brother), and a whole lot of pride for the honoree.

Well, the work of your Southwest Conference moves forward. The big event this week will be the retreat for the Board of Directors on Friday and Saturday, preceding my first trip to Oro Valley. Keep us all in your prayers!

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